授 業 科 目必修・
学 年
English Ⅰ
選/必23  シンプソン リチャード
The aim is to practice hearing and speaking English at a moderate intermediate level about familiar everyday topics,, and for students to express their own opinions and feelings on such topics.
Students study one or more dialogs relating to familiar topics each week, and practice discussing and speaking about the topic. They also prepare short mini-talks to present to the group in class.
1. Family and relations.
2. Friends and neighborhoods.
3. Cultures and customs of various countries.
4. College life and studying.
5. Sports and recreation.
6. Work and future employment.
7. Food, eating and health.
8. Studying English.
9. Traveling, transportation and making trips.
10. Music and free-time activities.
11. Movies and entertainment.
12. The Internet and the digital age.
13. The weather and seasons.
14. Government and topical issues.
15. Life in the future.
Review of material and question. Preparation of mini-talk on a given topic.
“English Listening and Speaking Patterns 3” (南雲堂出版社)
Monolingual or bilingual dictionary.
Participation in classroom activity 60%. Final test 40%.
This is a practical class. Students are expected to attend regularly and to participate actively.
【備 考】